Wednesday, November 15, 2006

What does the future look like?

My key motivation for blogging about the Islamist threat is the bleak future I foresee. A number of extremely radical people, not to confuse with humans, are planning and working for the eradication of the people in the West and my culture. My neighbors, friends and even family is at risk. Life, as we know it, is at stake.

The Islamist threat
The radicals are all Muslim. That is not to say that all Muslims are terrorists but practically all terrorists are Muslim.

The percentage of radicals is difficult to ascertain. I believe it is relatively high. In the UK a poll indicate one in ten thought the London Subway bombings were OK. One in ten would probably not actively participate in terrorists act, but I think at least 1% of the one tenth would. This would amount to 1 in 1000. And here we are talking about a group of Muslims who are more westernized than most. If you look at Palestinians on the West Bank the percentage is much higher.

To corroborate the numbers I find the article about MI5 surveillance in the UK valuable.

The head of MI5 informs that they are tracking 1,600 fanatics from 200 al-Qaeda cells. And many more are believed to exist. I have heard there are 3,000,000 Muslims more or less in the UK. One potential terrorist out of each thousand would correspond to 3000. Are we really to believe that the MI5 actually have discovered more than 50% of all potential terrorists? I think not. The real number is probably much higher.

But let us just use the conservative estimate of 1 potential terrorist in each 1000 Muslims and the 1 sympathizer in each 10 Muslims for illustrative purposes.

Out of a total Muslim population of 1,5 billion, one and a half million are either terrorists or are ready to become terrorist - and a whopping 150 million are sympathizers and will to a large degree indirectly give support, i.e. politically and economically.

1,500,000 out of a world wide population of 6 billion may not seem like such a high number. But remember we are talking absolute animals. They would not hesitate one second to kill anybody – even small children. Actually I believe they would not even hesitate to exterminate the entire human race.

People who can do terrorism can do ANYTHING. Beslan was one example.

We have therefore a large number of people who will stop at nothing. They have large financial resources and even political support. They are not all un-intelligent as history has shown. Many terrorists have turned out to be relatively well educated.

The world of today
This fact we must insert into the current factual geo-political situation.

  • Many of the terrorists are already in the West living amongst us and large Muslim populations.
  • They can easily travel into the West
  • There is no allied concerted front against this threat
  • A large percentage of the west – maybe a majority in Europe – are either pacifist or defeatist or both and readily co-operate and fraternatize with the enemy
  • The USSR has broken down and the WMD technologies and scientist are readily available for a relative small price. Even materials can be had.
  • A number of dictator states in the world give or will give refuge and even support to terrorists
  • WMD weapons are proliferated. One Muslim country already has nuclear weapons, Pakistan, and their chief scientist has sold the know-how to at least one more country. One Muslim country, Iran, is publicly and actively seeking nuclear weapons.
  • Any Muslim country is politically unstable and may suffer coup attempts such as the one in Pakistan recently. Who gets to hold the button of WMD is unpredictable.
  • Were it not for the Security Council the UN might as well be Muslim. The UN is thus completely ineffective and might as well not exist.

The frightening possibilities
With enough financial resources the outright sale of a nuclear bomb is not unthinkable. It is thought that corruption in the ex USSR is reaching the equivalent of 50% of the public sector economies. The “sale” of know-how is a fact.

The whereabouts of cold war nuclear scientist, biologists and chemists is not controlled. Furthermore, in the West the most advanced university courses of chemistry, biology and nuclear engineering are readily available for anybody interested and qualified.

Now combine this with the ever increasing technological development. I remember reading about one Australian research group working on a vaccine for a virus. This led to them inadvertently creating an extremely potent virus that killed all mice. The size of the group: 5 scientists!

With time it becomes ever easier and ever more likely that extremely potent weapons will be created. With the resources of a state available there are no limits.

I predict this future scenario
The Islamist terrorists will continue to make attacks. In the next few years we will have at least one major attack in the west and several smaller ones. All with conventional weapons or possibly with primitive low effect WMD.

This will lead to an increase in friction between us and the relatively moderate Muslims living among us. In the west mass internments of Muslims in camps and deportations of Muslims will slowly be established or planned.

Israel will with the more or less clandestine support of the US make pre-emptive strikes against countries like Iran before they manage to produce a nuclear bomb. This will however only delay the fabrication in certain countries and do nothing so ever about countries like Pakistan. Israel can not afford to attack a nuclear power, as it is so small that just one counterstrike could be a catastrophe.

There will be a continued increased radicalization of Muslims and Westerners and more hate against the Jews. In the Muslim world ever more radical states and even more religious craze will appear. Moderate Muslims will have no voice what so ever in the Muslim world.

No sooner than in 5 years and probably no later than within 25 years, in countries like France , civil war like conditions will be constant in metropolitan areas now completely dominated by “youths”. Europeans will simply flee or be expelled and Muslim ghettoes and mini states will be a fact. The police and military forces are themselves infiltrated and the political system as well leading to complete ineffectiveness. At this point Sharia law will be begun to be exercised in the mini states.

Around this time several Muslim states will have WMD and consequently the terrorists will be armed likewise.

Either they will attack one large Western city or several at the same time. I believe the weapon of choice will be nuclear and capable of at least one million casualties.

The cities in most danger are London, New York, Washington and Los Angeles. London seems to me the most probable target.

The answer of the West will be a nuclear attack, perhaps massive, on the Muslim countries. They will answer back but ineffectively unless they at this time already have potent biological weapons. More western cities especially European capitals will feel the attack.

All Muslims in Western countries will be sought interned, expelled or simply exterminated. There will be fighting in the streets and minor civil wars will break out in all western countries with Muslim populations. Major civil war will break out in countries like France. The western world will win. Atrocities will be committed by both sides.

Finally the Muslim world will be disarmed and completely isolated.

By then millions will be dead. Many of them innocents.

What do you think are probable or possible scenarios for the future?

Do you think I am far out? I sure hope I am. But it looks bleak.

I would like to propose that we infidel bloggers start thinking about possible scenarios for the future and present them. Maybe we can thus raise the awareness and possible even avoid worst case.

Can we perhaps generate models with variables that could present possible results. Can we identify some of the many variables and conditions that will lead to some or the other future?

At this point generating, say a computer model, would be a large undertaking. But identifying some of the variables should be easy and thus scenarios much more consolidated and corroborated than my rather simple one should be possible.

WC already has done a scenario in five parts on his blog. It is great writing and a good read. Scary as hell.
World War III: 21 Days in August – Part 1
World War III: 21 Days in August – Part 2
World War III: 21 Days in August – Part 3
World War III: 21 Days in August – Part 4
World War III: 21 Days in August – Part 5

Update 2
Another scenario, this one by, Raymond S. Kraft, and no less scary:
December 7, 2008

Update 3
A number of smaller scenarios on terroris attacks from a classified leaked report developed by the Department of Homeland Security and the Council of Homeland Security:
National Planning Scenarios

I wonder how this was leaked. By now it must be mandatory Al-Qaeda reading.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Iran to be 'fully nuclear soon'

Good news from CNN:

TEHRAN, Iran (CNN) -- Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Tuesday his country expects its uranium enrichment program to be ready by February to meet Iran's nuclear fuel needs, the national news service IRNA reported.

"We will commission some 3,000 centrifuges by this year end. We are determined to master fuel cycle, and commission some 60,000 centrifuges to meet our demands," the president said at a news conference closed to foreign reporters.

"Today the Iranian nation possesses the full nuclear fuel cycle and time is completely running in our favor in terms of diplomacy."

Ahmadinejad said Iran hopes to celebrate its nuclear success during the "Ten-Day Dawn" festivities at the beginning of February, which mark the country's victory in the Islamic Revolution, the Islamic Republic News Agency reported.

"This year's Ten-Day Dawn period will mark the Iranian nation's success in mastering fuel cycle as well as its achievements in other fields," the president said.

And a bit later in the article, what seems like a thinly veiled threat:
"I will soon send a message to the American people. The message is in the stage of preparation."

I just got a few comments to that. Is it not just swell with a supplier of unlimited nuclear materials in the Middle East? Al-Qaeda et al are already dancing their dances of victory.

Hopefully somebody decides that 10 days of dawn party is to be followed by one permanent sunset. They want fully nuclear? Then by all means - let them have it.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Yet another proposed UN resolution against Israel

I am unsurprised by yet another Arab backed UN resolution against Israel. Here from the Independent.
The United States last night vetoed a UN Security Council resolution condemning Israel in the wake of the artillery attack which killed 18 Palestinian civilians last week in the northern Gaza town of Beit Hanoun.

Of course France and Russia backed it (do they share leadership?) and the US vetoed it:
Britain abstained, France and Russia voted in favour, but America refused to allow the United Nations to condemn the Israelis after Wednesday's mistaken rocket strike on Beit Hanoun, which killed 19 civilians.

I just love the Independent's title for the article:
US vetoes 'biased' UN resolution attacking Israel's Gaza bloodbath

It implies that not only is the vetoed UN resolution not biased but it is also a bloodbath. It is a terribly sad story - true. But why are Palestinian terror attacks never called bloodbaths? And often not even terrorism.

And of course it was biased. Where are the UN resolutions against Palestinian terrorism? Or other Islamist crimes?

Let us look at this article, I have translated it from a Danish newspaper, "Weekendavisen". It was written by Jesper D. Jensen og Klaus Wivel.

“The moral compass of the UN has been broken for decades. The world organisation does not mirror an objective standard for international justice. 'It mirrors the total sum of the political interests of the member states at a given time.’ [Dore Gold, ex. Israeli UN ambassador]

While there has been particularly horrible infringements of human rights in Tibet, Cambodia, Rwanda and other places without any mentionable UN protests, Israel has been condemned again and again by the world organisation. Israel continues year by year to ignore practically all UN resolutions that commonly conclude that Israel is breaking international law, ruthlessly has suppressed the Palestinians and is a threat against both the regional and global stability.

During the 59. Assembly of the UN 2004-2005, 19 Israel critical resolutions were passed, while not a single was passed condemning the ethnical cleansings and mass murders in Darfur in Islamic Sudan. Israel is without comparison the country that through the history of the General Assembly has received most condemnations.

For the past last years the average has been 20 resolutions, and since the creation of the UN the General Assembly has condemned Israel with around 500 resolutions - or around half of all resolutions concerning condemnations of a country. These numbers are from official Israeli statistics and the UN UNISPAL database.

The General Assembly started having emergency sessions in 1956, and since then 5 out of 10 have been about Israel. In comparison there were no emergency sessions in connection with the murder of a people in Rwanda, the ethnical cleansings and mass murders in the former Yugoslavia or during the last years of barbarism in Sudan, where hundreds of thousands of people have lost their lives.

The Israeli critical tendency has also manifested itself through the UN Commission on Human Rights in Genève. Over the last 40 years around 30 percent of the commission's resolutions, condemning named countries, have been targeting Israel. In comparison the lack of human rights in the Arabic countries or China has been the object of few resolutions.

It blows my mind that one little country can receive so much attention in the form of condemnation from the UN. It clearly shows the organisation's Muslim colored viewpoint.

To shred some light and present another view I present this link: Arab-Israeli conflict: Basic facts. Some of the facts:

Of the 175 United Nations Security Council resolutions passed before 1990, 97 were directed against Israel. Of the 690 General Assembly resolutions voted on before 1990, 429 were directed against Israel. The U.N. was silent while 58 Jerusalem synagogues were destroyed by the Jordanians. The U.N. was silent while the Jordanians destroyed 58 Jerusalem Synagogues and systematically desecrated the ancient Jewish cemetery on the Mount of Olives. The U.N. was silent while the Jordanians prevented Jews from visiting the Temple Mount and the Western Wall.

This anti-Israel stance of the UN is a natural consequence of its membership structure. 21 members of the UN are Arab countries, and 52 members represent Islamic countries. Since the Arab Israeli conflict is represented as a religious conflict (see article) Israel as the only Jewish state has no chance for a fair hearing in the UN.

Related articles

Thursday, November 09, 2006

New dictionary entry

Try to read Yusuf Qaradawi, Rocket Scientist and Gynecologist, and Sex Therapist over at the Infidel Bloggers Aliance

Now you will understand the new entry in the dictionary:



Afflicted with or exhibiting irrationality and mental unsoundness: brainsick, daft, demented, disordered, distraught, dotty, insane, lunatic, mad, maniac, maniacal, mentally ill, moonstruck, off, touched, unbalanced, unsound, wrong. Informal bonkers, cracked, daffy, gaga, loony. Slang bananas, batty, buggy, cuckoo, fruity, loco, nuts, nutty, screwy, wacky. Chiefly British crackers. Law non compos mentis. Idioms: around the bend, crazy as a loon, mad as a hatter, not all there, nutty as a fruitcake, offout ofone's head, off one's rocker, of unsound mind, out of one's mind, sick in the head, stark raving mad. See sane/insane.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Let us celebrate

I am angry and have been for some time because of the on march of Islamofascism. I fear for the future of the world and Europe especially. Here in Europe the biggest threat is not even the Islamists but the leftwing appeasing defeatist apologists and at times it sure looks bleak.

But today we have a small victory and a cause for celebration.

In Jyllandsposten, the Danish newspaper that started the Khartoon rage, I this morning read about this (link to article in Danish):

One of the infamous traveling Imams, shaykh Raed Hlayhel, living in Denmark has decided to go back to where he belongs: Tripoli, Lebanon. He was one of the foremost Imams spreading lies about Denmark not only showing the cartoons around in the Middle East but also a number of pictures/drawings much worse produced for the occasion.

He says "Goodbye Denmark"

I say "Good Riddance" (actually I am joyfully shouting out of the window)

Even better, he states: "I am not coming back". That makes me so sad - not.

According to the shaykh (another title not to revere) he is leaving because the Danish courts have decided that publishing the cartoons was perfectly ok.

Of course the minor detail that his 9 year old son is seriously sick and will not be able to receive treatment in Lebanon, does not move him at all. Inhumanity must be one of the foremost things you learn in the Faculty of Sharia of Medina. I do feel sad for his innocent son. He is another child victim of Islam. I would like to point out that the only reason the Imam has been allowed to stay in Denmark is because of his son's decease.

Incredibly, I read that having studied in Medina makes the Imam one of the best educated in Denmark. The journalist must be confused. An education from the Faculty of Sharia of Medina is no such thing.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

What wil the response to our ridicule be?

I am wondering what our continuously outraged Muslim friendlies at home are going to do next to obtain their goals of silencing all criticism? What will the religion of perpetual outrage do about the facts thrown in their faces daily? Not to mention the well deserved accompanying ridicule? The Danish cartoons were just an element, a beginning. And consider the reaction that got.

Burning flags get expensive in the long run and I think by the 50th flag the pleasure is somewhat less. Also the Western camera crews by then won't pay much any more for the spectacle. So what will happen? Demonstrations can be cool as family outings just like the First of May have been for the socialists in Europe for many years. The day off, a good outing in the free, with some political speeches, nice bands and lots to drink...

Oops, you Muslims don't drink - so you won't have that much fun with the demonstrations - as they do tend to get tedious without drink. Screaming for hours every day will ruin your voice as well. And somebody has to pay all those bullets you manly men shoot into the air... (By the way, what does happen to people hit by bullets falling out of the sky? The bullets do come down back - don't they? What a nuisance! Not to mention cleaning the Holy Guns afterwards)

Nope - what then? Well - there are protests to the UN and any other similar dysfunctional appeasing organizations. After all your Muslim human rights are being infringed in the most terrible way. Has Jyllandsposten, that evil Danish paper, not forced every single of you 1,2 billion Muslims or so to study the cartoons in detail and read the accompanying blasphemous words?! Stop. Half of you people can't read. Well, that still leaves 600 million, which we all agree is a rather large number. And all are upset. How do we know? Well - wouldn't you know - every single one was asked...

Jyllandsposten and other blasphemers (do we need a bloggers malpractice insurance?) should be forced to pay a compensation to every single Muslim (except the blind ones of course and maybe only half to the ones who can't read). Special payments for all the apoplectic cases. Several thousand must have died either dehydrated from frothing or overstrained hearts... And the stampedes, we must not forget the stampedes at Mecca - my, my.

Sorry lost the track here. Surely you Muslim smart guys will still seek the ears of all the dhimmies (especially left wing appeasing apologists) in Europe. Unfortunately, by now it looks like they are becoming a minority according to polls. Even former super PC politicians are demanding head scarves off. So that won't help much. Just a lot of senseless noise. The majority of Europeans are getting rather pissed off, excuse the French (pun intended)...

But the French youth uprisings (disclaimer: The word youth by definition excludes anybody Muslim and/or with Muslim ancestors or anybody with Muslim sympathies) organized in the right manner and with a little support from homegrown peace organizations such as green Hizbollah and amnesty Al-Qaeda with el Beep as the PR agency do in fact have a some chance of success. The only major problem is that it serves as a huge eye opener... It would be smarter to wait until Europeans are in the minority and that will still take a few decades.

Nope, not the best way either. Hmmh - there still is the Holy Boycott. That is really a good weapon! And you know what - it is a democratic one too and a human right. The common Muslim citizen (women excluded of course) might actually learn some democracy that way. It might cost us Western nations a few percent in exports -not that it will matter much for the rich Western world at all, even in the long run. And can you guys really live without any goods from the Western world? The Arabs for ones don't produce anything at all except at few trinkets and such. The boycott will still initially give you Muslim victims some powerful allies in the west. People with money and investments in Muslim countries (we all know those are Jews as only the Jews have money). But then again it would demand a complete boycott for a while, which is unlikely. I mean how long time do you think the Arab playboys can stay away from real women, Southern France, designer clothes and fast cars? And I will let you in on a secret. A Boeing 747 pleasure plane takes a lot of maintenance and spare parts! Those solid gold faucets just start dripping with no excuse what so ever.

But there is Holiest of the Holy Boycotts. The boycott of oil. Or just rising the price to the double and a bit. But - we Westerners get really upset when our car doesn't work and the house gets cold - and when all the plastics start disappearing. Have you any idea what this would do to our effort to pollute the entire planet in the most efficient manner? Nope - can't let you Muslims do that. We would have to invade. Worse for you even - we would not be able to produce designer clothes and fast cars...

Nah, the Holy Boycott is not it either. Now, dear Muslims, we come to some of your favorite solutions. Westerners to the grave. Threats. Violence. Death. God to honest bloody stuff. The Muslims armies will sunder forth and squash the infidels...

Sorry, your Muslim armies aren't up to it - too little equipment and let's face it: The Arab soldier is one of the worst in the world. But that still leaves Terrorism. Yes, good old Terror. Dead children is such an art form. Only a specialty of the most specialized peaceful holy cultures. Yes, that one works. But there are some problems. Without WMDs it is just not that effective. It will be very difficult to get a number of victim infidels (oxymoron?) higher than say for example traffic victims a year. WMDs take technical know how - and while Muslims can recite the Quaran forth and back any given day - your kids just don't learn unimportant skills such as math, physics, biology, engineering and other likewise boring and useless stuff.

Nope, the number of victims won't be enough for us to stop ridiculing. And do consider: Experienced suicide bombers are hard to come by! And just who did invent WMDs in the first place?

But, my Muslim friends - despair not. You have faith and you have the Prophet (pieces be upon him). Prayer is the answer - let Allah smite the infidels. It just takes prayer. You see God/Allah loves blood and peace not at all. Extinction is just such an appropriate answer to a cartoon.

PS. This is a slightly rewritten version of an earlier post I have written here in February. But I still wonder on the next move.

Egyptians do not hate the Danes

Due to the Khartoon rage the number of Danish tourists in Egypt has fallen drastically. The Egyptian Minister of Tourism has been visiting Denmark to try to get the Danes to come visit again.

He declared "We don't hate the Danes".

Sure. A recent poll shows (hat tip to Hodja here) that only the Israelis are considered a worse enemy than the Danes. Followed by the US and the UK.

However, this brings to mind again our most powerful weapon. Let us embargo the whole Muslim world until they bring their affairs into order: Respect for human life, human rights, democracy and so forth. Hell, let us build a wall around the Islamists, when we can.

Consider the Arab world. What do they produce? Next to nothing. How long do you think the rich Arabs could manage without western goods and know-how?

At most, exports to the Muslim world represents a few percentage points of all trade. We can easily do without. Unfortunately we can not do without the oil. That leads me to priority #1: We must create an alternative to fossil fuels.


I am just back from a nice week of holiday on the beach. But I have been sort of following the news.

By the way of the Brussels Journal I found this link to a video on the treatment of van Gogh's son. And hell yes - it makes me angry.

Check out some of the articles over at the Infidel Bloggers Alliance:

20 things you should know about Islam

I, a Muslim

Santiago and Moors are at it again