Infidel Bloggers Alliance

Friday, February 10, 2006

War on freedom

I am in a state of shock. Paralysis is imminent. The words are stuck in my throat. But now is a time of danger. I must report.

In the midst of the Western World liberty is at stake. Freedom and democracy are in dire danger. The continued infringements on freedom of expression have reached unheard heights.

There have been many examples the last days. But today an extraordinary event has happened.

The Swedish government through the secret police and the Swedish Foreign Ministry has banned a blog from publishing the cartoons.

The ISP of Sverigedemokraterna, a reportedly extreme right party, has closed down the party blog for having published the cartoons:
“We think that this was the best decision after we were contacted by the Foreign Ministry and SÄPO,” Anna Larsson, vice president of hosting compant Levonline, told DN. Freivalds told DN that it is terrible that a small group of extremists are exposing Swedes to danger [by reprinting the cartoons].”
Säpo is the Intelligence Service/Security police.

See this link to the story on BBC.

For this I urge all democrats who believe in freedom to put forward the following:

I ask for the resignation of the entire Swedish government and that all ministers and all responsible government employees being placed in arrest until the cases can be brought to court.

Of course only Swedes can make this demand. But let us support the many Swedes who will and must make it.

I will boycott all Swedish goods until the responsible in Sweden have apologized and Sweden has again restored free expression.

I ask for Sweden to be expelled from the European Union.

The Swedish hypocrisy is boundless. But already the seriousness of the situation has been understood by the political responsible. Here is the first attempt to play down the seriousness. A country 9th on the list of countries in the world with the highest standards of free speech has introduced censorship.

Update start
See these two articles on my blog as well: Swedish Politicians defending Islamists by all means? and One Track Mind

See the Brussel Journal and the comments.
Update end

Michelle Malkin is reporting the situation as well. She has a list of countries leading the War on free Expression. Sweden is one of them of course.

See also the Infidel Blogging Aliance article (hat tip!), where I was made aware of this sad event.

Also, today a sad event in Norway.

Mr. Selbekk, the Norwegian editor of the newspaper that published the cartoons, has today apologized, saying he would never have published the cartoons, had he known what he now knows after talking with Norwegian Muslims.

The same Muslims, that has threatened to take him to court for treason against Norway causing Norwegian interests to be harmed. The Norwegian Prime Minister has also criticized Mr. Selbekk in extremely strong terms.

On top of that Mr. Selbekk and his family have received numerous death threats and are living under police protection.

The land has darkened - dark forces are at play. The Western World is at a cross road. If we do not keep our hard fought for freedom, our society is at the beginning of the end. Eventually the last free man of the West can turn off the light.


At 11/2/06 03:06, Anonymous Anonymous said...

speaking of petitions, here is a link:

At 11/2/06 13:58, Blogger von Schlichtningen said...

jmj, Thanks. A petition is a good idea. I will consider making one.

At 11/2/06 21:54, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you suprised? The Social Democratic Party in Sweden is the same as during the second world war. They suported the Nazis and not the occupied Norway or Denmark.

At 12/2/06 04:01, Blogger von Schlichtningen said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

At 12/2/06 04:07, Blogger von Schlichtningen said...


Yes you are right. Even today there are rumors of a large number of extreme right, we are talking fascists, supporters in Sweden. It was very large during WW2 and is now estimated at 20000 I read.

Denmark in comparison has a few hundred.

Sweden has historically been fast to duck to maintain favorable political conditions for its big industries.

I wonder how many Swedish weapons you find in the Muslim World? Not to mention a few Volvos.

At 12/2/06 07:21, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm confused here. von Schlichtingen is referring to Anna Lindh. She was assassinated a couple of years ago. So I don't think she's doing very much today.

Also, it's spelt hypocrisy.

At 12/2/06 10:22, Blogger von Schlichtningen said...


You are quite right (*embarassment) Mea culpa. But my points are still valid to a large degree.

Thanks for the spelling tip. The spell checker did not catch it.

At 12/2/06 10:23, Blogger von Schlichtningen said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

At 12/2/06 10:39, Blogger von Schlichtningen said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

At 12/2/06 10:41, Blogger von Schlichtningen said...

I have corrected the article Anonymous referred to

telling about Anna Lindh being the ex foreign minister. The points are still 95% valid.

I was very tired when I wrote the article, that's why my mistake.

The current Swedish Foreign Minister is of course Laila Freivalds. But she is nearly a clone of Anna Lindh as far as I can tell.

This present article except for the spelling mistake is 100%.

At 13/2/06 21:59, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes almost every swedish politician are a clone of the other, I really dont understand why people go to every election laying their vote on the social democrats year after year..

I think this is how my hate against mankind started. :/

At 13/2/06 23:29, Anonymous Anonymous said...

awesome. Although Im a swede my self. I say it's cowardly from all the other papers around here who dont want to publish any of the cartoons. 6/10 have send letters to one of the largest newspaper in sweden saying it's "weak" and "cowardly" not to publish, 8/10 mailed the same newspaper with the same "insults".

At 13/2/06 23:32, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Being a swede myself I'm as well somewhat in a shock on what has happened. What has happened is of course completely unacceptable, and several political parties in Sweden has strongly critisised the move by Freivalds and has also sent in a request for a investigation into the issue to the "Konstitutionsutskottet" which is an institution which handles issues related to misuse of power. Personally i shun the opinions of the party whose site was shut down, but thats beside the point. They are in their full right to express their opinions, they were NOT breaking any laws. Unfortionately this is just another stupid move by one of the european unions most conservative and outright stupid governments.
However, I think its wrong to boycott swedish products for something an imbecille government has done. This is not something that has been voted by swedes in a consensus or anything, I think a very big percent of swedes oppose what has happened. Personally I havent spoken to a single one that think its right.

At 13/2/06 23:33, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Being a swede myself I'm as well somewhat in a shock on what has happened. What has happened is of course completely unacceptable, and several political parties in Sweden has strongly critisised the move by Freivalds and has also sent in a request for a investigation into the issue to the "Konstitutionsutskottet" which is an institution which handles issues related to misuse of power. Personally i shun the opinions of the party whose site was shut down, but thats beside the point. They are in their full right to express their opinions, they were NOT breaking any laws. Unfortionately this is just another stupid move by one of the european unions most conservative and outright stupid governments.
However, I think its wrong to boycott swedish products for something an imbecille government has done. This is not something that has been voted by swedes in a consensus or anything, I think a very big percent of swedes oppose what has happened. Personally I havent spoken to a single one that think its right.

At 14/2/06 01:37, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once you've started the boycot, don't forget the next step: visit your local Swedish embassy with a can of gasoline. After all, that's how it should be done properly, isn't it?


At 14/2/06 08:01, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm swedish.
And I'm fucking ashamed.

At 14/2/06 08:15, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, seemed almost interesting up untl the comment about Laila Feivalds being nearly a clone of Anna Lindh. Comparing Swedens most hated politician to their once most loved one in that way shows a rather big lack of knowledge about swedish politics.

At 14/2/06 10:02, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh man, so now other EU countries wants to boycott us since our biggest party (The Social Democratic Party) are asses. But if you boycott us we'll have to get real tight with the arabs to sell our wares. I hope that wont happen. Many Swedes are sick and tired of this party's actions. They're quickly loosing voters these days. Thay aint winning the next election.

At 14/2/06 12:29, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The swedish Minister of Justice Thomas Bodström has during his years in the government made sure that the Swedes are being held under strikt control.

In 2002 he made sure that the Swedish police got more right to film, monitor and supervise suspected criminals.

In 2003 the Swedish police was allowed to take a bearing of cellphones and use hidden microphones when looking for suspected terrorism.

2005 was a good year for Big Brother Bodström as in Mars when "extra information" from surveilance could be used when investigating other crimes than the one intended when recording.

In April foreign police was allowed monitor swedish citisens.

In May the Swedish police was allowed to secretly register data to se what a computer had been used for in crimes.

In June the police don't have to suspect a crime to secretly film people or monitor their phones. They can also search a premises without any crime commited.

In July "Försvarets radioanstalt", FRA, or the National Defence Radio Establishment, is allowed to monitor phone and computer traffic to and from Sweden. The FRA is allowed to use automatic search systems to listen to keywords like "terrorism", "bomb" or even "Sex".

In October the police can take dna-samples from people suspected to have commited a crime.

In November Säpo, or the Swedish Security Service, is allowed to view peoples medical records.

In December all phone and internet operators are forced to record all traffic. Who you call, which internet pages you visit and what sms messages you send.
The records from phones are kept for six months and the records from internet are kept one year.

Big Brother is really watching us.

At 14/2/06 14:35, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As born and living in Sweden I'm actually glad that attention for once is being drawn to the cowardess, opportunist, freedom hating power elite of this country. A corrupted, egoistic, money and power hungry elite has nearly total control over the country. In recent decades the "socialist" party has even taken control over the universities. Principals are elected by the goverment, the boards consist of politicians, professors are fired if doing "questionable research". "Unfavourable research" is therefore de facto not possible. If the government sets up a committee to investigate something, it is as good as always specified what the findings shall be! Due to a tradition of centralized and government controlled media (the TV monopoly was not possible to maintain due to satellites in the eighties, free radio wasn't allowed until the early nineties when the opposition ruled briefly) the government controls the general discourse, which is frighteningly homogenous in Sweden. Huge taxes are burdening free media and threats are made if anything the government doesn't like is published. Critizising the government is as good as taboo. People are brought up to think Sweden is the perfect country with a perfect democracy, with strong freedom of speech traditions (lies are btw the favourite weapon used by the power elite to control the people and maintaining a good image, something that seems to have worked outside the country aswell). Swedes are very gullible and have learnt not to question the authorities, for if they do they learn the hard way that in Sweden you as an individual have no rights. I see no way of stopping this from within the country, due to the governments control over the general discourse.
Furthermore, Sweden is essentially a one party state, having been ruled for the past 70 years or so by the "social" "democrats". Well, nine years have been ruled by a fractured opposition, but the Party's control over media and mind was strong enough to make the Party's spirit largely de facto stay in control. Just how democratic the Party's spirit is, is illustrated by a statement/slip made by Marita Ulvskog when they lost the election in 1991: "It feels like a coup d’état". Pressure must come from the outside to revise the fabricated world view of most swedes before civil rights forces can have a say. As of now people aren't even aware of the fact that they are being fucked and mind controlled to an extent I believe (and hope) is uncomparable to anything in the so called free world.

At 14/2/06 20:10, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have free speech in Sweden but you have to follow the law and not make public statements that could, in the long run, create a hostile environment towards a group of people or a minority of any kind.

At 14/2/06 22:46, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sweden is not a country for freedom ! it's for komunism and islam !!!! A terrible country to live in! I live there and HATE it! It must be better in Iran or can't be like this.

At 14/2/06 23:31, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I ask for the resignation of the entire Swedish government and that all ministers and all responsible government employees being placed in arrest until the cases can be brought to court."

Are you serious? What have you been smoking or are you just plain stupid?

Stop being such an ass and do something better with your time.

At 15/2/06 06:32, Blogger von Schlichtningen said...


We agree I see. I am glad there are democratic ways to fight the censorship. Even if the censored are not really worth it.

I was really angry when I wrote the article. So I got a little ahead of myself.

I do believe the government should resign. This is a very serious matter. Foreign minister and Sapo. It sounds like a bad novel.

But of course the ordinary Swede should not be hurt. But you should yourselves maybe ask other countries to boycott you if censorship is not abolished again.

And I don't really want to see Sweden leave the EU. On the other hand - you have to behave like democrats. No other country did what your government did.

I like Sweden. That is why I am upset.

Best regards,

At 15/2/06 06:40, Blogger von Schlichtningen said...

John Doe. I have heard likewise from some of my Swedish friends.

It does seem the Swedish democracy needs some tender care.

Also I heard that some people are rejected for certain jobs depending on political standpoint and they are not able to present their standpoints in the media.

Without freedom no civilization!

best regards,

At 15/2/06 06:45, Blogger von Schlichtningen said...

There are too many anonymous to answer. Please use a name of some sort in the text. Otherwise I cannot answer.

And yes I am that uncomfortable Ass that will disagree with you and point out where Sweden is a little bit shady. All countries have their week points.

Sweden is now the only country in Western Europe with censorship. A little bit embarrassed? I am. And I am not even Swedish.

At 15/2/06 06:46, Blogger von Schlichtningen said...

There are too many anonymous to answer. Please use a name of some sort in the text. Otherwise I cannot answer.

And yes I am that uncomfortable Ass that will disagree with you and point out where Sweden is a little bit shady. All countries have their week points.

Sweden is now the only country in Western Europe with censorship. A little bit embarrassed? I am. And I am not even Swedish.

At 19/2/06 02:19, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's not the first time the swedish government does this kind of thing. It springs to mind how a commune politican, Björn Fries (may he burn in hell), w/o any rights whatsoever succeeded in putting flashback, a free speech proponent, off the internet by getting all the big ISPs to boycott it. NB Flashback hadn't even broken any laws.
How did the government react to this autocrats' abuse of power? Well, they give him the Olof Palme prize and promote him - and there's no noteworthy reaction from the media or the public. That's Sweden for ya, "heja heja heja" ! Fuck !

At 19/2/06 08:40, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To anonymous:

Sweden did not have a social democratic government during the second world war, it was a broad coalition that included members of all democratic parites (which excluded the communists). The swedish government did not support the nazis, in fact Sweden was a safe haven for resistence fighters from Denmark and Norway.

Of course Sweden could have acted against Germany with military force but little could be expected from such a move. Besides, it was Denmark and Norway that resisted military cooperation before the war (and again after the war), since especially Norway did not like the idea of joining ranks with Sweden only 30 years after its independence from Sweden.

At 21/2/06 12:41, Blogger peanutring said...

I'm a swede. I'm an embaressed swede.
Spoon feed all day 'bout the rightousness of socialism and solidarity (like socialism and solidarity go hand in hand DOH!)
I'm sick and tired of this date rape that the socialist goverment employ on it's own unemployed citizens.
Socialism has become a religion in Sweden.
Born and raised that there is only one.
Far from democracy and freedom. Well... freedom if you do as they please and not as they do!

With a mere 23.8% of none working people in the working age, this country is heading for the apocalypse in a far greater speed than Zimbabwe.

With almost a blinding darkness there might be a light at the end of the tunnel.

The allied (Alliasen. The modest liberal and right wing, combined together to gain majority in the Riksdag. Comparing to European measurements the Swedish right wing are mere socialist) are gaining popularity over the current "Rulers".

Hopefully after all that spoon feeding kids with maggots full of lies, there might be a change of politics in Sweden.

And trully, we need it.

At 25/2/06 21:32, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a swedish citizen, and I would just like to take the opportunity to say; PLEASE FORGIVE US for everything that has ever left the lips of Laila Freivalds.
PLEASE FORGIVE US for so cowardly and stupidly voting for the same corrupt pack of incompetent elitists on every election event.
PLEASE FORGIVE US for being so passified and fed up with everything even remotely political in this country, that we hardly even care anymore.

By deepest and cincerest appologies.

Please don't hate us.

At 1/3/06 01:10, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel very sorry for you Sweden.

In Denmark we had a socalled "social"-democratic goverment for many years and those politicians always used Sweden as the role model for a perfect society.

The cartoon crisis has really shown some shocking comments from those PREVIOUS social-democratic ministers. They advocate to use censorship, and to use a "correct tone" in the debate.

"Political correct" maggots.

I wish that these ex-communists never ever again gain political power in Denmark.

And for you Sweden. I hope you will be able to get rid of those censorship social-democrats before it is too late.

The strong police control, and strict monitoring of citizens combined with the Swedish gowernments obeying to fundamental Islam's demands is a very dangerous cocktail.

In the worst-case scenario Sweden would be the first Muslim country in the European Union.

(unless some idiots let Turkey in)

At 5/3/06 00:53, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 27/3/06 22:15, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanx I thought I was the only one thinkin like this .Now I know Im not alone ,this will make it much easier 4 me 2 go ahead with my plan 2 leave Sweden 4 ever and never return.
I am such an unproud "svensk" that I dont even feel any joy in watching Sweden win the olympics,
Leavin sooon!!!!

At 6/6/06 18:39, Blogger ancient clown said...

Together we are stronger than apart. There are many ways to 'fight' this and the other problems that are unfolding as the corrupt conspire against GOD. I propose a few interesting methods hidden within a few posts like Planting Seeds & Calling Warriors.
The only REAL way to stop it though is to STAND against it and STOP standing for it.
I don't think i know...I just know I'm thinking.
your humble servant,
Ancient Clown

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